We are Closed Friday 3/5/24 and will reopen Tuesday 7/5/24

Any orders after 3pm Thursday 2/5/24 will be dispatched on Tuesday

Bilt Hamber Award Winners Kit

£59.95 (£49.96 Ex VAT)

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When you order “Award Winners Kit” today, we will send you a kit containing four award winning products:


Award Winning “Best car wax”double speed-wax 250gPlus soft foam applicator pad and plush deep pile micro fiber buffing cloth.


Award Winning “Best car shampoo”auto-wash 300mlHighly concentrated vehicle shampoo


Award Winning “Best clay bar”auto-clay 200gPaint smoothing clay bar. Best clay bar since 2010.


Award Winning “Best wheel cleaner”auto-wheel 1ltrPlus free ultra soft bristled brush and atomising spray head

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