KLEENTHRU Foam Lance Cleaner from Krystal Kleen Detail has been specially formulated to tackle the problems of blocked lances.
Over time the detergents and soaps in Snow Foams leave behind a residue on the internals that will impair the performance of the lance. Combine this with the fine mesh of the gauze filters suffering from a build up of residue and you could be forgive for thinking you need a new lance.
Now with KLEENTHRU used on a regular basis at the end of use it will keep yur lance in optimum working condition. If however its too late for that and you have a lance that is just spitting out a milky residue all you need to do is run KLEENTHRU through it and leave overnight and your lance can be restored without dismantling.
As an added benefit KLEENTHU will also undergo a chemical reaction as it passes through the lance that will coat the internals and help protect from oxidation.
Available in 500ml. 1ltr and 5ltr sizes.